Month: April 2001

  • Roommate Hijinks

    I have to record this for prosperity… I decided to put new strings on my guitar (I considered it cruel and unusual to put bottom-shelf strings on a new top-shelf guitar). So, I did. I was tuning the guitar up with it plugged into a chromatic tuner on my bed when my roommate came home.…

  • Linguistics and such

    Made a critical mistake last night: I tried to right an insignificant wrong in the world by politely correcting the New York Times’ usage of the word “linguist.” They wrote me a rather sharp reply and pointed out that, in fact, numerous dictionaries support false meanings as primary (“speaker of multiple languages,” which is really…

  • Life is intense sometimes…

    Wow. Every day I live, I marvel at how hard you can work to accomplish so little. Solomon (in Ecclesiastes, in the Bible) was dead on: all this is meaningless and chasing after the wind, unless rooted in (a) knowledge of God, (b) eternal purpose, and (c) things that DO matter here – family, friends,…

  • This weekend, etc…

    Well, Austin was great. Looks like we’ll have a really fun team – I got to hang out with the two girls (Becca and Kristen, both from Baylor), though our other guy is from Ohio, so he wasn’t there. I also got answers to a bunch of “details” questions, meaning I don’t have quite so…

  • A job for my dad, thoughts for me…

    Well, my dad got a job today (he’s been out of work since the fall). He’s selling cars at the Ford dealership in my hometown (Fayetteville, GA), with potential to move into management. It’s not really his field…