Tag: Human Stupidity

  • Great. Now, I’m even getting spam from United States Senators.

    I somehow (not by choice) got added to Saxby Chambliss’s mailing list, about two years ago. I unsubscribed. I was added, again, about a year ago, after I had moved out of the State of Georgia. I unsubscribed. Today, I got a “weekly update” newsletter from his office, with no unsubscribe link or instructions, in…

  • Just what is KFC selling, anyway?

    I got the following receipt at a KFC, this past weekend, when I put my meal on a debit card, being completely out of cash: (click to enlarge) For obvious reasons, I was a little horrified at first, but nothing actually went wrong, thankfully…

  • Further Proof…

    … that about half the population will vote for about anything: the Miami-Dade County School Board voted 5-4 to fire six teachers and accept the resignations of 26 others. The teachers in question had all paid to obtain continuing education credits, rather than taking actual courses, and then lied about the credits by representing them…

  • Stupid, Stupid Drivers

    Last week, somebody backed over the top of my front bumper. Today, somebody rear-ended my car, while parking illegally, right next to the law school. Both incidents gashed the respective bumpers. Neither driver left a note, of course. The latter didn’t even have the decency to back up enough for me to pull out (the…

  • Oh, that’s just great.

    CNN reports that DHS is launching a “Ready Kids” emergency prep program. The program itself – costing more than $100 million – sounds pretty pointless. The best part is the following quote, from a report by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, in reference to the program website: The original plan included a Web site that…