Tag: Politics

  • Oh, that’s just great.

    CNN reports that DHS is launching a “Ready Kids” emergency prep program. The program itself – costing more than $100 million – sounds pretty pointless. The best part is the following quote, from a report by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, in reference to the program website: The original plan included a Web site that…

  • Politicians Make So Much Sense!

    Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra of Thailand is refusing to talk until next year, claiming the planetary alignment is bad for him. Quote: “Right now Mercury… is in a corner perfectly aligned with my star. Mercury is no good, so if it’s not good, I am going to request not to speak. I’ll just wait until…

  • Let the Uproar Begin

    The Kansas Board of Education, voting 6-4, has approved a science curriculum for public schools which incorporates information about the “intelligent design” arguments on human origins and highlights problems with contemporary evolutionary theory. This is bound to create a massive uproar, of course; I won’t dive into any of the issues, here, but I thought…

  • Doonesbury Gets it Wrong, Again

    Today’s Doonesbury strip gets it wrong, as is pretty usual. The Georgia law does not require anything more of any one group than of another. It simply says that you must show some form of proof that you are who you say you are – that is, an ID card, like a driver’s license –…

  • Frist Supports Embryonic Stem Cell Research

    Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-Tennessee), M.D., today announced that he supports a bill currently before the Senate, which would allow federal funds to be used in the destruction of embryos in order to extract stem cells. I’m not going to dive into the merits of embryonic stem cell research, itself; as I’ve said before,…