Tag: School

  • I just knew that was too easy…

    Well, I screwed up my memo on (a) issues, (b) application of one court decision, and (c) citations. Wonderful. At least I caught it all before handing it in. Back to editing… I want to go to bed. UPDATE 10/30 (5:30 PM): It got done and handed in, anyway, but boy, that was annoying. Now…

  • Memo, Schmemo

    I just finished my first draft of my second legal writing assignment, a six-page (1800 word) memo on a hypothetical case involving a broken marriage engagement. It was actually quite fascinating to see how my thoughts on the legal issues evolved, from the time I finished reading through the materials to the time I finished…

  • UT-A – Still Junk Mail U.

    I previously griped about the quantity of unsolicited junk mail (physical and electronic) the University of Texas at Austin sends applicants, even when they aren’t enrolling. Well, it keeps coming. I just unsubscribed from the UT athletics e-mail list for the second time. I still get stuff from Austin-area apartment complexes. Meanwhile, NYU and University…

  • Law School, Day One

    Well, I really must be a geek, because I’m enjoying this. I enjoyed the first set of readings (minus one opinion by a windbag of a justice, which could have been reduced from 9 pages to maybe 2-3 sentences). Lunch included a discussion on political theory, especially the 2004 and 2008 Presidential elections. In any…

  • University of Texas Student Earns a 180 on the LSAT…

    … and advises students to sell their souls. Okay, not really, that’s what the article says a lot of students would do, but the student in question, Jesse Townsend, does advise aspiring law students to pick a major based on the GPA they would expect to earn. Congratulations to Jesse, by the way, but his…