Month: July 2005

  • John Roberts, Jr., Nominated to Supreme Court

    So, it’s John Roberts. From everything I know, he’s an excellent choice. I’m sure we’ll all learn a great deal more about him, very soon; feel free to comment, below.

  • Change in Plans

    Bear with me or skip this entry; I’m really just thinking on the screen. Well, today was mostly spent vehicle-shopping. I had priced out the specific truck I would buy, in an ideal world, and found a very, very similarly equipped model, nearby, so I woke up this morning with the intent of going and…

  • Oops – Biggest News of the Day!

    I don’t know how I forgot this; two of my dearest friends, Bryan and Kristine Vermillion, delivered a healthy, baby boy, today. Congratulations, Bryan and Kristine!

  • New Feature: Current Reading and Listening

    I have added a fun new feature: on certain pages (the home page, Music page, EdBlog, and books section), my current and most recent reading and listening selections will appear on the left side. I have always thought this was a cool feature on other sites, because it’s (a) interesting to see what makes people…

  • Harry Potter, Parents, the Media, and the Lunatic Fringe(s)

    “Where they have burned books, they will end in burning human beings.” (German: “Dort, wo man Bücher verbrennt, verbrennt man am Ende auch Menschen.”) — Heinrich Heine, from his play Almansor (1821) I saw a report on CNN Headline News, earlier, about the (midnight, last night) release of the latest Harry Potter novel. Forget for…