Month: November 2005

  • Poem of the Day: Ars Poetica (Archibald MacLeish)

    Ars Poetica.

  • Hotel Bombings in Jordan

    Terrorists today detonated bombs at three Western hotels in Amman, Jordan. Details here. This is disturbing; it seems the horror and stupidity of suicide bombing, once unleashed on the world, can never be rebottled. It’s also personally disturbing; I’ve been to two of the three hotels.

  • Party of the Fourth Part

    I knew I had a better reason than working on an outline for my Elements of the Law class for skipping the Law School’s Party of the First Part: I ended up taking a friend to the ER for an irregular heartbeat. Life is interesting.

  • LSAT, SAT, and GRE Tutoring

    I no longer offer any test preparation services. I am not able at this time to make referrals to any other private tutors. Please do not write me to ask for test prep – this is all I will be able to tell you.

  • Let the Uproar Begin

    The Kansas Board of Education, voting 6-4, has approved a science curriculum for public schools which incorporates information about the “intelligent design” arguments on human origins and highlights problems with contemporary evolutionary theory. This is bound to create a massive uproar, of course; I won’t dive into any of the issues, here, but I thought…