Category: Law

  • University of Chicago

    First and foremost, a bit of good news: I received my acceptance, today, to the M.A. program in Middle Eastern Studies at the University of Chicago. That’s a great program, so I’m quite pleased about that news. Although I haven’t made an official decision on where I’ll be, this is a nice option. [Edited to…

  • 14 days, 17 states, 3,500 miles…

    I’m back! My dad and I just spent two weeks visiting grad schools, traveling from Georgia to North Carolina, Virginia, New Jersey, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Illinois, Tennessee, and back to Georgia. That’s a lot of driving. It took me through some of the nation’s biggest cities (and traffic jams) and some of the most interesting…

  • Thought of the Evening

    It is easier to analyze the thoughts of scholars who wrote in Hebrew and passed away nearly two thousand years ago than to remember the meaning of notes made in 1999, by still-living professors, presumably in English, in the margins of a paper about these same scholars. Not very profound, perhaps, but true…

  • Grad School bound

    I am definitely heading to grad school – I’ve decided that’s really where I’m called and where I want to be. So, applications have been a major reason for the lack of updates, recently. So much to do… I’m excited, though, and even have some rough ideas for thesis topics (yes, that’s 2-3 years away,…

  • New Look for Topsail’s Website, Misc.

    Well, I haven’t been on here in too long! I’ve been working on a new web page design for Topsail Consulting, learning to program in C/C++ for various projects, and a billion other things. Mostly, there just hasn’t been that much happening that was newsworthy… One interesting thing is that I will probably be able…