Tag: America

  • Scary Economics

    During the Republican debate at the Reagan Library, John McCain was asked: [Do] you have a plan to help people with bad credit get lower interest rates so they can keep those homes and avoid foreclosure[?] Any answer to that other than “No,” “What?”, or “Why?” demonstrates a misunderstanding of how we got to where…

  • More on the Berkeley Stupidity

    Berkeley is still trying to force out the United States Marine Corps. I can’t even summarize this one; just go read it. Berkeley gives Marines the boot.

  • Why the Field is so Bad

    I have no idea for whom to vote. None. I am a staunch, free-market, old-school conservative. A fan of men like Burke, Reagan, and Kirk. That means I don’t have a candidate in this race.

  • Where the WMDs Really Were?

    A new report indicates that maybe they were all smoke and no fire. Interrogator: Invasion Surprised Saddam, Tells 60 Minutes Former Dictator Bragged About Eluding Capture – CBS News

  • Dick Durbin: Towering Genius, or Grossly Irresponsible?

    Dick Durbin can, apparently claim with a straight face that 46 hours, 8 minutes (commencing at 12:15 AM a week before Christmas) is enough time to read a 3,417 page omnibus spending bill and vote on it. Either Durbin has the reading abilities of a small army of legal thinkers, or he’s irresponsible in the…