Tag: Election 2008

  • Quote of the Day

    “It was during the first period of this constitution that the Athenians appear to have enjoyed the best government that they ever did, at least in my time. For the fusion of the high and low was effected with judgment, and this was what first enabled the state to raise up her head after her…

  • Greg Mankiw’s Work Incentives

    Greg Mankiw’s new post on his personal work incentives is required reading for anyone who wants to discuss taxes in this election cycle. The idea is simple: our tax system uses marginal rates, meaning one rate applies to the first dollar earned and different rates kick in at different thresholds. (That is, unless you’re so…

  • Skipping Down the Garden Path

    I offer a final thought for the evening. Last night, a dear friend and I were discussing the state of the world and the nation, particularly with reference to some of the more extreme economic proposals made by politicians and pundits of varying degrees of skill. My friend is one of the most intelligent, well-educated,…

  • Two Americas? Or Two Visions of America?

    Mona Charen has a fantastic and fascinating take on Michelle Obama’s Fearful Vision on National Review Online. Read all the way to the end; it’s a great demonstration of one of the ways this country so often rises above those who would destroy it.

  • What Contest?

    Given that Senator Biden has already said that Senator Obama is not ready to lead and that Senator McCain is, I found the following hilarious: Senator Joseph R. Biden Jr., the Democratic vice-presidential nominee, must have known it was coming, but he still sought divine intercession before tackling the question. When a member of the…