Tag: Law

  • Justice Alito

    Bush nominated Samuel Alito to the Supreme Court, today. Judge Alito is currently on the Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit (PA, NJ, DE). From everything I know of him and his judicial history, I couldn’t be happier about his nomination.

  • Memo, Schmemo

    I just finished my first draft of my second legal writing assignment, a six-page (1800 word) memo on a hypothetical case involving a broken marriage engagement. It was actually quite fascinating to see how my thoughts on the legal issues evolved, from the time I finished reading through the materials to the time I finished…

  • School Board Offers Theological Defense of Homosexuality, Gets Taken to Task

    In case you haven’t heard, the Montgomery County (Maryland) Public Schools tried to implement a sex education curriculum that endorses homosexuality as a normal and amoral (not “immoral,” “amoral”) lifestyle choice. Whether or not one agrees with that proposal, the fact is that the school system gets its facts wrong and makes theological arguments –…

  • Going to Yale Law at 16???

    Seamus Farrow, only son of Woody Allen and Mia Farrow, is heading to Yale Law, at age 16. It sounds like he’s had a very interesting life, for somebody of that age, but I can’t say that it makes sense for a 16-year old to go to law school, or for any law school to…

  • University of Texas Student Earns a 180 on the LSAT…

    … and advises students to sell their souls. Okay, not really, that’s what the article says a lot of students would do, but the student in question, Jesse Townsend, does advise aspiring law students to pick a major based on the GPA they would expect to earn. Congratulations to Jesse, by the way, but his…